nice that you’re droppin' in here. Let me tell you a bit about me
I’m Arjen, I live in a bird-rich and photogenetic area, Friesland. The northern part of the Netherlands. As a youngster a teacher introduced me to the wonderful world of birds and a bit of wildlife. Much later I started photography. At first at military airshows, later I also worked with models and thus birds/wildlife. Birds got the most attention and I started to combine these 2. An early introduction to birds came back again. At this time I'm busy photographing for OceanTrash. We make bracelets from ropes we find in the seas, on the beaches or as trash in harbors. I want to photograph the impact, the consequences, the reasons what's happening behind the matter of ropes. #speakupforthosewhocant.
Furthermore, I love music. Not only to listen to, but also how people play with lights on stage. I’m volunteering for a local poppodium and I try to make my place in somewhat bigger events. In this way I’m discovering new music and am able to make the best pictures. Also preferably in black and white.
Working with models is an awesome thing to do. It doesn’t conflict my other photographic passions. I think it just brings out the best of all types of photography in me. I combine my knowledge in all the forms I love to work in. I love to work with models, preferably in natural light, best done outside in the elements, preferably in black and white. These are my wishes.
In sports, I really love surfing. Being in the water in the elements is just a welcome way to escape from daily routines. I thought how awesome it would be to combine my surfing with photography. So I got the opportunity to buy myself a professional set to shoot in the waves, or under water. My gear is capable of doing just that. It all comes with some diving experience.
Are you triggerd by what I make and what I do? Would you buy 1 of my pictures as a print, would you work with me as a model, or give away a photoshoot? Hire me as a photographer for your projects, are you perhaps interested as a starter photographer and need some tips and tricks, than don’t hesitate to contact me and we can both check out what will work for us both.